Shout it out drumline
Shout it out drumline

shout it out drumline

They then have some time to grab a meal and change into their uniforms.


The full band has a two-hour dress rehearsal in Memorial Stadium 5.5 hours before kickoff. Westbrook Music Building opens for the students 6.5 hours before kickoff.

shout it out drumline

Describe what your game day routine looks like. They’re absolutely outstanding and we couldn’t do this without their leadership and dedication.

shout it out drumline

I also have to shout out to our student leaders. On top of that the students take great pride in performing everything from memory. So if there are consecutive games (we’ve already had three in a row this season) we only have those 6.5 hours to learn a completely new show with different music, drill and choreography.


We learn a different halftime show for each home game which in a typical year is seven shows plus our pregame show that remains the same from week to week. This sounds like a lot, but it’s only slightly more than 6.5 hours a week, which is less than many high school bands. The students begin rehearsing 10 days before the first day of class with band camp, then during the semester in our class time, (marching band is a course for credit) 7 to 8:20 a.m. This work starts back in the spring way before the season. The designers (Doug Bush, visual designer Samantha Brown, color guard designer and myself as music arranger) spend many hours designing the shows and writing the music, drill (formations and movement) and choreography. Can you speak to the work that goes into prepping for a game? I was originally hired as assistant director and percussion instructor with the marching band and was promoted to the present position following the departure of my colleague, who had been serving as director for another job. Well in business lingo, my cheese was moved. In addition to long hours leading the band, Falcone also serves as the conductor of the Symphonic Band, teaches a course in instrumental arranging and is active in the Glenn Korff School of Music’s Percussion Studio. For more than two decades, Tony Falcone, associate director of bands, has successfully worked alongside student leaders to ensure that the Cornhusker Marching Band rises to it being the Pride of all Nebraska.

Shout it out drumline